
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bloggin about not bloggin

So, I've realized that my blogging has considerably slowed down and thought I'd take a moment to reflect on that. So, what's been up? Really one main reason the blogging has slowed is that I haven't been so creative in the kitchen area lately. But that's a good thing! The summer months have brought some amazing fresh produce in our weekly delivery. We've been enjoying some very simple meals, with little (or nothing) done to fresh produce. I love making simple dishes that taste fresh and pure. Of course I love my rich, creamy, saucy, savory dishes as well. But something about the summer just makes simple dishes taste that much better.

What have we been eating? Well, last night it was a simple pan-seared chicken breast with zucchini, yellow squash, fresh garlic, and new potatoes. All cooked together in a large skillet with olive oil, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. Another favorite is grilled steak or tri-tip, with grilled corn. Mmmm, and seared salmon with blanched green beans. Simple, simple.

So, hence the need to not record my recipes in the usual manner. The big number 2 reason is that my baby is no longer a baby. At 14 months, little man pretty much eats what the rest of us does. He remains a good eater and shows a clear preference for fruit and vegetables. My fingers are crossed, I hope he remains the veggie lover that he is today!

And finally, I started this blog after being asked numerous times about how I make baby food for my kiddos. While starting it, I decided it would be nice to use it to catalogue some other aspects of my stay-at-home journey too- from logging my non-baby recipes, to little projects we work on. So here's to future blogs, whatever they may hold, even if I'm just bloggin' about not bloggin.'

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