White sapotes are gem I'd never even heard of, but was thankfully introduced to them by Squeeze Play Organics. The variety we enjoy are deliciously ripe and sweet when they slightly give to pressure. Skin more yellowish vs green is also an indicator of ripeness. The flesh is creamy with almost a avocado-like texture, but the taste is quite different. Almost like a mild, creamy peach, in my opinion. Look out for medium sized and larger white seeds, don't eat 'em! Also, we don't eat the skin either.
Our now 10 month old loves just eating the flesh plain. I scoop it out with a baby spoon. White sapotes make a very easy and portable baby food, he loves it. My three year-old is much more skeptical of new things. She did try eating just the fruit, but that was a no-go. What worked instead was a white sapote & peanut butter sandwich. Wow was it delicious!
-One White Sapote
-Peanut or Almond butter
1) Rinse of skin of white sapote
2) Scoop out flesh into a small bowl
3) Mash with a fork
4) Spread white sapote on one side of bread, and nut butter on the other
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